Jim Brook (red trail)
The old quarry on the Quarry Trail (yellow trail)
Werner barn & field
Werner Woods & Nature Center Trails
In 1964, the State of Connecticut assumed ownership of the 100-acre Werner farm adjacent to the Nature Center property. An additional 65 acres was acquired in 2002, increasing the size of this State Wildlife Refuge. Through an informal arrangement with the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP), the Nature Center maintains the hiking trails, bluebird boxes, and wildlife habitats. The trails are used by the Nature Center for its educational programs, as well as by the community for recreational activities such as hiking, snowshoeing, birding and nature photography.
This refuge is home to a variety of native wildlife species and over 150 bird species have been sighted on the property. For checklists of the animals seen at the Nature Center trails or in the vicinity, click on the following:
Self-guiding trail guide, trail maps, animal track cards and wildlife field guides are available in our store.
For our trail map, click here
For an interactive AVENZA trail map, click here.
For all Canton Land Conservation Trust maps, click here.
For suggestions on how to preserve nature while hiking, click here
Letterboxing is a fun scavenger hunt activity, where you find hidden boxes in your neighborhood by following a set of clues.
For online clues for the Werner Pond Letterbox click here
For online clues for the Lower Cut-Across Letterbox click here
There are three other letterboxes hidden along the trails:
Werner’s Woods
What We Saw
A Froggy Went a Hiking
To learn more about letterboxing, visit Letterboxing.org
Along our trails
The old dish mill dam (light blue trail)
Americans with Disabilities Act Notice
The Roaring Brook Nature Center building is fully wheelchair accessible, with automatic entry doors and ADA compliant restroom. The Mer’s Native Plant Bird & Butterfly Garden, and the Animal Senses and Geology gardens on the Nature Center property are the most accessible trails, and provide opportunities to view local flora and fauna.
All other trails have steep slopes, narrow and irregular routes, uneven and sometimes muddy terrain, and occasionally narrow bridges. These trails are designated as hiking paths for pedestrian travel only and are not safe for wheelchairs or strollers. All wheeled vehicles are discouraged from these trails.
Vernal Pool Observation Deck
Along our trails